What We Believe
Sound doctrine is crucial to solid teaching and stable living. These ten topics and statements represent the framework for all the teaching ministries of FCC.
God the Father
God exists as Trinity and God the Father, eternal Creator of all, rules over the universe according to His sovereign purpose and pleasure.
God the Son
The Son, fully God and fully man, died on the cross as the only sacrifice for sin, was raised from the dead as the absolute guarantee of eternal life, ascended to heaven as Head of His Church and will return some day to establish God’s kingdom on a new earth.
God the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit, the One responsible for doing God’s will on earth, convicts the world of sin and the truth of the gospel, places all believers into the body of Christ at the moment of conversion, indwells and empowers Christians for godly living and gives spiritual gifts to every believer.
Sin, the breaking of God’s holy law, is the tragic experience of every human being and exposes us to a life of pain, struggle and an eternity apart from God.
Salvation, our deliverance from the penalty of sin (justification), the power of sin (sanctification) and the presence of sin (glorification), is the free and eternal gift of God for all who commit themselves to Christ in faith.
Grace, the unearned favor of God based on His unconditional love for His chosen regardless of their sinful thoughts, motives or actions, initiates us to and sustains us in the Christian life, comforting us in our failures and constraining us in our freedom.
The church, the people of God in community with a mission, glorifies God by reflecting the Father’s wisdom and grace, by responding to Christ’s love and leadership and by relying on the Spirit’s indwelling and empowering to display the virtues and values of God’s Kingdom.
Christian Maturity
Christian maturity, the process of dying to selfish goals and strategies so that the life of Christ may be formed in us for the sake of others, is the experience of believers as they trust Christ and yield to the Holy Spirit.
Kingdom of God
The Kingdom, God’s presence and rule over all creation, will come into full expression in a new heaven and earth after Christ sentences all non-believers to eternal, conscious separation from God and blesses all believers with eternal joy in the presence of God.
The Bible, the inspired Word of God, is authoritative, trustworthy, and true when interpreted according to the intent of its authors.